Improve Security of Access Control Measures with Tough, Tamper-proof Wristbands
The need for stringent security measures governing access control has increasingly become a fact of life, both in most overseas countries and in South Africa. In fact, it is a need that applies in several widely different applications today. These include, for instance, the need to manage the movements of patients within the hospital environment, and to ensure that visitors admitted to the workplace or to other areas for which entry may be limited have been duly authorised. In other instances, there may be a need to provide right of admission to a concert, exhibition or sporting event, where the alternative of issuing conventional admission tickets could risk exposure to fraud.
In such cases, security for access control and related purposes may often be best achieved by the use of simple security wristbands and without the need to implement more elaborate and, consequently, more costly precautions. Let us take the example of the hospital patient. From the moment he or she arrives at the admission desk and right up to the moment at which he or she is discharged, a secure means to establish these individuals’ identities is vital. Typically, durable security wristbands made from Tyvek, an inexpensive but extraordinarily tough olefin polymer, will be the clinic’s first choice.
With the ability to write the patient’s name on with a ball point pen, although not primarily intended as security for access control, these wristbands ensure that their movements are managed appropriately and that they receive only those treatments that are appropriate to their case, as determined and directed by their attending physician or surgeon.
Security regarding access control, however, is not only confined to these more formal situations. In fact, today, one of the greatest demands placed upon the manufacturers of security wristbands is arising from those who are responsible for organising many of South Africa’s major indoor and outdoor events. These include music concerts, international sporting contests, product launches, trade exhibitions, and more or less any activity for which an admission ticket, whether paid for or complimentary, would normally be a requirement.
Today’s organisers find this is a role that is far better handled with the use of these durable, tamper-proof wristbands that, in addition to eliminating the possibility of fraudulent exchanges to gain unauthorised entry, offer additional security for access control by providing a pass-out feature that is ideal for use during multiple-day events.
In addition to Tyvek, the most economical choice, vinyl also offers the same level of assurance, thanks to their tamper-proof locking mechanisms that ensure that their removal is a task for scissors, rather than for fingers.
IDCBand is South Africa’s foremost supplier of security wristbands and related products, and we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients for these security measures essential to safe, affordable access control. Feel free to browse through our product catalogue or contact us for more information. We look forward to assisting you with meeting your access control needs.