Wristband Suppliers Playing a Prominent Role in Security and Promotions
Worldwide, wristband suppliers have been experiencing substantial increases in the demand for their products from two industries whose importance has also been growing in recent years. The industries in question are security and promotion. In the case of the former, the rapid growth has been occasioned by a parallel growth in the incidence of fraud and in the increased level of sophistication on the part of the fraudsters. The higher demands within the promotional industry can be attributed to a combination of the transition to a more competitive global marketplace and the pressures of a weakened economy that is still in the recovery phase.
In both cases, wristband suppliers have been able to deliver solutions that are not only as effective or even more so than many of the existing alternatives, but that can also prove to be markedly less expensive. On the promotional scene in particular, cost is a constant consideration that means marketing managers and advertisers must ensure that they obtain the best possible return on their investment. To achieve this, they seek methods that will both extend both the geographical reach and the duration of their campaign whilst also attempting to ensure that it is targeted as precisely as possible.
The colourful soft silicone bracelets that are now available from wristband suppliers are able to meet all of these criteria far more effectively than is the case with the most competing media and, in particular, the low per unit cost and lengthy active life offered by these simple devices has led to the promoters of both commercial and charitable enterprises embracing the use of this powerful modern medium with open arms. Any who may doubt its power need simply to recall the campaign spearheaded by the former Lance Armstrong Foundation which ultimately raised $80 million from the sales of a simple band made from bright yellow silicone and debossed with the ‘Livestrong’ brand name.
Today, the better wristband suppliers are able to offer not just silicone products for promotional purposes, but PVC and even fabric sweatbands also. All, however, are able to carry a strong promotional message with the aid of eye-catching colours, intricate patterns, printed text and corporate branding devices.
In the field of security also, a similar range of products makes use of tougher materials that offer the same benefit of high visibility and which therefore are able to combine a promotional function with their security role should this prove to be of value. For several years now, much of the demand faced by wristband suppliers is from event organisers who find them to be a far more secure means of access control than paper admission tickets whish are rapidly becoming outmoded.
While it is a simple matter to pass a ticket to a friend in order that he or she may avoid the admission charge, this is not the case with these security bands. Made from a tough synthetic known as Tyvek, a brand of high-density polyethylene fibres; once sealed, they cannot be removed without showing obvious signs of tampering and so ticket fraud can be eliminated.
IDCBand now dominates the South African market for both security and promotional bracelets and we are the preferred wristband suppliers to most leading events.