December 10, 2014

About IDCBand

The Story of IDCBand and Our Versatile Security Products

At IDCBand, we pride ourselves on having been the virtual inventor of the security wristband. It is, however, probably more accurate to say that we were successful in developing a fledgling concept into a range of highly effective practical products. Of these, the above-mentioned wristband has undoubtedly proven to be among the most effective, the most versatile and the most widely sought-after.

Our company was established in 1995 in the UK and very quickly became a major supplier to numerous international markets, including South Africa, where we have been operating from our premises in the Roodepoort suburb of Weltevredenpark since that same year. In the intervening years, the reputation of IDCBand has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, we are known throughout the nation, by its leading event organisers, as the supplier of choice for wearable security products, such as our extensive selection of wristbands and lanyards.

Although perhaps running the risk of being branded impractical, we have always been and will always continue to be a company that is driven by our dreams. The result of our stance has been a series of innovations that, far from lacking in their practicality, which, in the words of the world-renowned founder of Sharma Leadership Inc., “…lead to progress and a better way of life…”.

While we are understandably proud of the flair for innovation that has already earned numerous awards for our products, IDCBand is equally aware of the crucial importance of providing good service. We are proud to claim in this respect too, that we have become known for clearly demonstrating that awareness in the execution of every single task that we undertake on behalf of every client, whether it is a small business or a giant corporate. It is a philosophy made more effective by the fact that it is one embraced fully by our staff. That being said, it is not hard to see why the names of so many of the nation’s top events and leading event organisers feature repeatedly in the pages of our IDCBand order books.

One example of the way in which we strive to offer our clients more can be seen in our willingness to consult with them, in order to develop bespoke products. In addition, we make every effort to keep turnaround times for such projects to the bare minimum while, in the case of stock items like vinyl wristbands, next day delivery is our goal.

Committed to ethical trading, being environmentally conscious and being a level 2 B-BBEE contributor, we at IDCBand are justifiably South Africa’s choice.